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"Feeling my way through the darkness, guided by a beating heart."

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 4: Weekend Workout Warriors

You've successfully made it through the week! Now you're thinking, hey, lets catch a breather and put our legs up. Nope! Even on the weekends we workout :) Lets keep up the good work and bust it out!

Today let's do an AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) over a span of 20 minutes. The objective is to get as many rounds in as you can during the 20 minutes. Post the amount of rounds you complete to the comments if you want. If you've got a 20inch bench or box, it will be needed for this workout. If not, tuck jumps will suffice.

21 GHD sit ups
15 Box or Tuck Jumps
9 Push Ups

But wait! There's more....

After the 20 minutes are done, take a quick break. Grab some water and shake it out. Then, move on to a walking plank tabata. A tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes. During those 20 seconds, you should be working hard and pushing all the way through. A walking plank is when you're up on your arms and toes holding a plank position and traveling laterally. Here's a little video I found if you need help (don't do the push up, just focus on the walking plank). Enjoy!


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