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"Feeling my way through the darkness, guided by a beating heart."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 3: Squat til You Puke...but not literally.

okay gang, time get those legs working and burning. the objective of this workout is complete 7 rounds as quickly as possbile of: 15 squats, 15 jump squats, 30 walking lunges, 5 burpees, 25m forward run/25m backwards run. take a 1minute rest between each round. good luck!! "somebody call 911, shorty's fire burnin' on the dance floor, whoaaa!"


  1. HOLY SMOKES! That was tough! And fun! Thanks! I wonder if my form was bad on the last walking lunges at the end though. Not sure if I should try to do them even if I can't do them correctly or not do them at all when my legs are really fatigued. Thoughts?

  2. Hey Conner, if your legs are feeling fatigued you really want to get as much done as you can. Even if you can only bust out 20 good lunges, go until your sloppiest lunge and then stop. Try to focus on form as best as you can to make it through the workout. Remember there is a difference between pain and fatigue. Your body is strong and you have to push the threshold that you're used to working under. The objective of this workout was push your legs beyond their limits and achieve a new level of working capacity. Good work!
