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"Feeling my way through the darkness, guided by a beating heart."

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 16: Riding the struggle bus...

We've all been there, we've all let loose every now and then; we call them "cheats". We do so good during the week that we allow ourselves those little splurges on the weekends: A chocolate bar here, a margarita there, a handful (or several ) of M&Ms. Next thing you know you're downing bags of chips and polishing off huge helpings of ice cream cake! I fall victim to this almost every Saturday and it's a struggle for me. This past Saturday I was eating trail mix like it was my job! Sure, there are other evils out there but when combined with shots of apple pie schnapps my appetite gets the best of me and I'm devouring the whole bag.

Its frustrating because I undo every good workout and every healthy meal I eat during the week. Its impossible for me to drop any significant amount weight if I keep succumbing to these indulges. All I want is to polish off these pesky 10lbs that have accumulated since last summer. Which brings me to my next struggle: Over exercising. I teach roughly 15-17 classes a week, typically they're for an hour at a time and vary in intensity. On Mondays I'm pretty well back to back so I should consider the 5 classes I do good enough, but yet I still feel the need to get my own personal workout in. I've realized I do not take enough rest time during the week. I usually workout Monday-Saturday and then do nothing on Sunday. I've got to revamp my regimen because at this rate I'll have tendonitis in every ligament in my body! I've decided to take a break from doing insanity workouts and cut myself some slack during the week. On Mondays when I teach 5 classes, that's it! I've also decided to start incorporating more swim time than just once a week. Swimming is a good alternative to heavy impact workouts and I can still amp up the intensity without doing a number on my joints. A goal of mine for the month/upcoming month is to hit the trails and the mountains and get a lot of my exercise from hiking. Last summer I was doing a hike every weekend and I'd say that was ideal for me!

Call this post a vent sesh if you want, but I just wanted to express the struggles I'm going through. What about you guys? Any issues you want to iron out? Or offer up some words of encouragement for me? I don't want to end on a sour note so I'll just say for now to map out some solid weekly goals for yourself and try not to overdo it. Too much of something is never a good thing. Also, lets practice some restraint on the weekends. Obviously, cheats and treats are okay every now and then, but binge sessions usually lead to extra unwanted poundage. Party on party people, but keep it reasonable ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you! I definitely go crazy on the weekends and work really hard during the week. For me junk food is like a switch. Once I have it, I want more of it, and the weekend spirals downhill from Friday night. I'm most successful when I schedule fun activities for myself on the weekends that don't revolve around eating and drainking, but that's not always easy to do.

    I can't say I relate to the whole over-exercising thing. Ha!
